
Wychwood Surgery is an approved training practice which means we have met the required standards to provide training for future GPs and medical students.

We hope to have GP Specialty Training Year 3 [ST3] doctors who are fully qualified doctors and in their final year of GP training and usually spend a year in the practice. We may also have ST Year 1 and ST Year 2 doctors with the practice; these doctors will normally be with the practice for six months. On occasion we may also have Foundation Year doctors who are also qualified doctors but are more recently qualified. They will normally spend 4 months with this practice.

We have attached medical students from time to time from the University of Oxford. You may be asked to see some of them on occasions to discuss your condition or they may sit in on your consultation with your doctor. If you feel uncomfortable about this please inform the receptionist who can arrange for you to be seen alone by the doctor of your choice. We also have Degree in Adult Nursing and Health Visitor students from time to time if you do not wish to have these students sit in on your consultation with the community nurse or health visitor please let them or a receptionist know in advance and arrangements can be made for you to see the community nurse or health visitor alone.

Video Consultations

Part of the training process involves video consultations so that doctors can assess their performance in consultation. You may be asked if it is acceptable to you for your consultation to be videotaped. If you agree you will be asked to sign a consent form at the beginning and end of the consultation. If you are not happy about the video recording, you can ask for the camera to be switched off at any time. Physical examinations will be performed off camera, although the sound recording will remain on. The videos are used for training purposes only.

As patients you will be offered appointments with doctors training in general practice which most people find a positive experience. The doctors are under supervision of the trainers. As a training practice, we are assessed every 3 years to ensure a high quality of service provision and a suitable learning environment.

Joint Consultations

From time to time one of the training GPs may sit in with one of the doctors in training and we hope that you are happy to accept appointments of this nature.  You will be notified and offered the choice to agree or decline at the time of booking your appointment with the Reception team